Friday, February 26, 2010

when you love someone

When you fall in love with someone.
Love them completely.
Their goods and their bads.
And when you feel like you don't love them anymore, just remember all of the good things about them that make you fall for them.
And keep remember their bads, cause that is what kept you on the ground.

out of sight, out of mind

You'll forget something when you didn't see it for a while.
It'll buried under the current thing and you wouldn't see it or find it unless you dig it all, but I'm sure that's gon be pretty mess. And I know you don't wanna mess with anything called "PAST"
Leave it under and forget it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

friendship will never be broken.
cause in the end when you got fucked up with the world around you all you have to lay your head down and tell all of your stories is your friend.
no matter how you've fucked them, they will always got your back.